Thursday, May 10, 2012

How bad do you want it?

Some days everything is easy, things just fall into place and you have a great day. You have the energy to complete all your daily goals and even maybe throw in an extra workout, run, or walk without even breaking a sweat. Other days it takes every ounce in your body to muster the strength to even tie up those running shoes. Everything in your body just screams no, your muscles, your brain, that little voice in your head just says "it's not worth it today man you deserve a break".

 "Sweet Biggest Loser is on... Watching other people work out, that counts right?"

On those days it's when you need a little extra push from somewhere to get you going. That's all it is, because once you get going all of that goes away. Sometimes it's just that mental block that was the only thing holding you back.

On those day's I go on you tube and watch some inspirational videos. They're always there to say "HEY, stop being such a puss and get out there!"

So here's a few inspirational video's I like to watch to get me goin', I hope they can inspire you too.

All credit for this video goes to Matt Daciw. He turned me on to it when I first started up my blog.

Rocky is always awesome for inspiration

At the end of pain is success

How Bad do you want it?

Movies are so's why...

Do you have any videos that inspire you to get out there? Please share them with me, you can never have to much inspiration. Leave a link below in the comments.

Now get out there and sweat!


Friday, May 4, 2012

Like a Glove...

Hey Everyone, I just wanted to do a quick post today and let you guys know that I can finally fit in my shirt! Goal one has officially been reached, this was a big win for me today! Official weigh in is 269.1 LBS, I've currently lost 33.1 Lbs. That's taken me since this Christmas to lose. Check it out!

Brawny Paper Towel Guy Sexiness

I'll try and think of a new goal soon, if you guys have any suggestions I'd be more than happy to hear them. Leave a post below or send me a message on Facebook.

Enjoy the weekend guys, it's supposed to be nice in a lot of places so take advantage. 

I know I will!


Sunday, April 29, 2012

This is Gonna Hurt...

It's been awhile, thanks for coming back everyone. In case any of you were wondering, no I did not give up on my diet. I will admit that lately I have been laid back about it and on a few occasion have cheated, although never with Doritos, but I have not given up. In fact I actually was still maintaining a well rounded diet and I am now at a total of 30 Lbs lost! Round 2 so far may not have been the knock out round I was hoping for but it wasn't loss either, I'm gonna finish off this round strong and give this diet the One-Two punch it needs!

 "ONE....TWO... ONE...TWO...Man this steak is gonna be so tender after I'm done with it. Maybe training in a stake house was the wrong plan for this diet"

So what's my plan to finish this round on top you ask yourself? The answer is Witch Medicine, well that's what it tastes/looks like anyways. Let me explain, my body is full of garbage that I've been cramming in it for the last 27 years. It's been accumulating in the nooks and cranny's of my digestive system and they don't wanna leave. Even though I might be loosing weight I'm not actually feeling better yet. I've still had a lack of energy and an all round feeling of just being sluggish. I can't shake it off no matter what I do.  

The cure, I'm going to begin a cleanse which will rid my body of all that foul stuff that accumulates in your body and just makes you sick and tired. 

 Meet the Dream Team, there going to boldly go where no man should dare. 

In addition of cleaning out my bowels this should also help me lose some weight and inches. There is a draw back though, because my body is so used to having all this poison inside of me, as soon as I take this the bathroom will be my new home. Not to mention it will also lead to major headaches, almost like having a hangover after a good night of partying. 

Yeah it tastes as good as it looks...See what mean, Witch Medicine!

So yeah that's the plan, sorry I gave you all the mental image of me at the bathroom but after this I should start feeling a whole lot better. 

Thanks again for coming by and checking out my blog. An even bigger thank you to everyone who's been asking me lately "when's your next blog?". I'm glad you guys haven't given up on me because I sure as hell haven't given up yet, no matter the set backs. 

Stay tuned, there's some good stuff on it's way, I promise.


Saturday, March 17, 2012

The Turning Point

Hey everyone, so I've put in two full days so far for The 70 in 7 and let me tell you I can feel it. My feet are killing me! On my first day I procrastinated and did 10K in one walk, that was hell and I'm not going to do that again, it took me 3 hours just to finish it! I thought for sure my legs were going to fall off!
 My poor foot... (Not included: stink lines)

I'm not one to quit though so I've bandaged them up and I'm ready for day 3. I am really hoping that sometime this week I'll be able to break through this wall and these 10k days will become much easier.
Things are coming along quite nicely...

Besides all the running I just wanted to tell everyone that I hit a turning point when it comes to controlling cravings.

My brain, the idiot that it can be sometimes, decided that because of all the walking I was doing and all the calories I was burning, that it would be OK for me to eat a bag of chips. So what do I do? I convinced my self to buy a bag of Doritos.

I know.....

But I beat it! I beat the craving! Even though I bought the bag I realized I've been working to hard to put this shit in my body. I was able to say no in the face of temptation...It was one of my proudest moments in the battle for weight loss.

So that's the good news..... The bad news is...

Now they outnumber me...


Thursday, March 15, 2012

Round 2: The 70 In 7

I'm finally back!

Don't worry everyone I didn't give up. I've just been planning Round Two of my weight loss, I've also been thinking of how to make it interesting for you guys. I think I've got some good ideas now and I'm officially starting Round Two.


Just to give everyone a quick update I've been doing quite a bit of walking and it's paid off so far. As of this morning I'm currently at 24 Lbs lost, but I can do better, I know it. That's why I'm starting my own challenge I call it the the 70 in 7. Let me explain.

I'm not sure how well you can see it but I currently need to put in 70 km of walking/running in order to achieve my next Nike Level. So in order to give myself a proper challenge and also advance a level I'm going to Walk/Run 70km in 7 days, hence the 70 in 7. As you can see from the picture above I've been putting in quite a bit of mileage and that's only walking once a day. In order to achieve the 70 in 7 I'm going to have to start walking twice a day. I think this is going to be a great way to increase my activity.

For the entire challenge I'll be posting updates on my progress. Please keep checking in and cheer me on I'm gonna need it.

The 70 in 7...not for the weak

Wish me luck... I'm gonna need it. Now if you'll excuse me I got some walking to go do. 

Thanks for visiting to today, check back throughout the week to see my progress!


Tuesday, February 28, 2012

They Can't all be like Last week

Hey Everyone thanks for all your feedback, apparently last weeks posting was enjoyed by all. Unfortunately not all postings are as entertaining as last week.

I just want to give you guys a heads up what I've been up to Lately.

First things First I completed burning all the calories from that bag of Doritos. It took me two long walks to burn off the 1400 calories needed. Here's a photo for proof:

I even got a medal for participation!
Lately I've also been looking around for a Gym, thanks to a friends advice I have found one!  Due to my alumni status at Georgian College I still have full access to their gym for a great price. For a 4 month package it works out to be only 25$ a month, half the price of many other local gyms. I'll be sure to make a full posting about it it the near future. 
Lastly, I just wanted to mention that for the past 2 weeks my weight hasn't really been dropping I've hit a sort of plateau, It's quite frustrating. I'm calling this the end of Round 1 with my fight with weight. Really my first goal was just starting the process, starting a blog and just lose some weight. I'm glad to say I've achieved all those things, even if it was difficult.
It's only round one and I already feel like this:
Cut me Mick...
Let's start with Round 2! It's time to re-analyze and re-focus.  I'm hoping obviously going to the gym will help break that plateau but I am also going to take a second look at my food consumption and start keeping track of a food journal. 
 This is no Longer status-quot
In the past Food journals have been helpful for me, writing down and seeing exactly what I'm consuming really help puts things into perspective. Let's hope this adjustment will work and make round 2 a success!

That's it for today, I'll have more updates for you before the week is out. 
Thanks for visiting today!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

I choked on a piece of celery...

Let me explain... something bad happened... real bad... I'm to disgusted with myself to even talk about it...

So I'll just show you.
Except it wasn't celery...It was Doritos. I cheated and I feel awful about it. I was having second thoughts on whether or not to tell you but I figured if i can't be honest with you, I'll never be honest with myself and this will continue. 

You will be happy to know that it was a one time occurrence and I felt like shit the next day, this will never happen again. Especially after doing the math, there are 1456 calories in a single bag of Doritos. In order to burn that many calories I would have to run for about 2.5 hours or 11 Km's.

I'm determined to burn the calories I've consumed, so I am going to track it with my Nike+ system.

Wish me luck... It's gonna be a looooong run...

Thanks for visiting today, I hope you were entertained, please let me know what you thought of my little adventure with Tito in the comments below.